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There are many conditions that can have truncal involvement. This section focuses on some common eruptions that frequently affect the trunk: papulosquamous disorders; urticarial and morbilliform disorders; blistering disorders; and miscellaneous disorders. Urticaria and angioedema are discussed in Chapter 14, “Allergy and Anaphylaxis.” Although the truncal location of an eruption can be a helpful clue for diagnosis, the clinical appearance of the lesions and overall assessment of the patient are needed to make the correct diagnosis.


Scaling conditions include psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, tinea corporis, pityriasis (“tinea”) versicolor, eczema/atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, secondary syphilis, and scabies. Table 251-1 lists common features distinguishing these eruptions, and Table 251-2 summarizes common treatments.

TABLE 251-1Comparison Features of Common Papulosquamous Eruptions
TABLE 251-2Treatment of Common Papulosquamous Disorders

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