Horizontal and vertical mattress sutures, as well as the corner stitch (see figures for technique), may be used to manage wounds unable to be closed with simple techniques.
Management and Disposition
Vertical mattress suture is a useful technique for deep wounds. It reduces wound tension by acting as both a deep and superficial suture. Horizontal mattress suture is best used for wide, gaping wounds with a risk of increased wound tension after closure (eg, lacerations overlying a joint). Corner stitch is used to close triangular wounds or flaps. A simple interrupted suture cannot be placed to approximate the point of the flap due to a tenuous blood supply and increased chance of dehiscence. Once the corner is secured (see figures), simple sutures are used to repair the rest of the wound, with care taken to place the sutures far enough from the tip to optimize circulation.
Utilization of a mattress suture can aid in wound edge eversion and tension reduction. These sutures are particularly useful in areas where the deep subcutaneous tissues are too fragile for deep sutures (eg, over a joint or shin).
A single corner stitch may be used to close several corners of a stellate ...