The King laryngeal tube (King LT) consists of an airway tube with two cuffs. The distal cuff seals the esophagus, and the proximal cuff seals the oro- and nasopharynx when inflated. Between the cuffs are multiple ventilation channels. Inflation of the cuffs occurs through one inflation line. A separate gastric drainage channel is present in the disposable model (King LTS-D).
A lubricated King LTS-D is inserted behind the tongue while preforming a jaw lift, placing the patient in a sniffing position. The tube is advanced until resistance is met or until the connector base is aligned with the teeth or gums. The cuffs are inflated with 60 to 90 mL of air, depending on the size of the King LTS-D. Some “jiggling” may be required to properly seat the tube.