Current Emergency Diagnosis & Treatment, seventh edition,
is designed to present concise, easy-to-read, practical information on the
diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of conditions that present to the
emergency department. The chapters emphasize the immediate management of
life-threatening problems and then present the evaluation and treatment of
specific disorders. We trust that this text will aid all practitioners of
emergency medicine in providing care to their patients.
Outstanding Features
In keeping with the tradition of the Current series, CEDT strives to
provide the reader with a broad-based text written in a clear and succinct
manner. Our goal is to provide practicing emergency physicians quick access
to accurate and useful information that will aid in their everyday practice
of emergency medicine.
Because this text focuses
on the practical aspects of emergency care, there is little discussion of
the basic science or pathophysiology of disease processes. In addition,
discussion of management restricts the material presented to treatments
routinely provided in the ED.
Intended Audience
CEDT will be useful to all practitioners of emergency medicine,
including physicians, residents, medical students, as well as physician
extenders. It will also provide valuable information for emergency nurses
and prehospital care providers.
This edition retains the priority-based and problem-oriented organization of
previous editions. Chapters in Section I, “Special Aspects of
Emergency Medicine,” are written in a non-structured free text format.
Chapters in Section II, “Management of Common Emergency Problems,”
are presented in a problem-based format. Life-threatening disorders are
discussed first followed by a presentation of specific disorders. This
chapter format is carried out in the remainder of the book in both Section
III “Traumatic Emergencies” and Section IV “Non-trauma
Special to This Edition
• A new chapter on bedside ultrasound
• A new chapter on
procedural sedation
• A new section on pandemic flu
Updates of all chapters
We would like to thank the staff at McGraw-Hill, Anne Sydor, Peter Boyle,
and Jennifer Orlando for their patience and support throughout the
preparation of the manuscript. In addition, we again would like to thank our
families, Gail and Chase; Kris, Maddie, and Jack, for their love and
indulgence to allow us to dedicate the hours needed to work on this edition.
C. Keith Stone, MD
Roger L. Humphries, MD