Following the lead of the 7th edition of Emergency Medicine: A
Comprehensive Study Guide, the 7th edition of The Manual of Emergency
Medicine has been upgraded more than any prior edition of the book.
The reader will find more color images and radiographs including ultrasound
and computed tomography scans to aid in diagnosis, more tables that
summarize information, and more breadth in its coverage of the practice of
emergency medicine than ever before. The Manual, and its predecessor
the Companion Handbook, has been published in English, Spanish,
French, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Polish, Portuguese, and Chinese, which
reflects the growing number of emergency medicine practitioners worldwide.
With each chapter we have tried to reflect the diversity of global disease,
with our hope that additional new translations will be made available.
Despite these substantive changes, the original goal
of the Manual is preserved in this new edition. This manual is
written by and for active clinicians who are engaged in the day-to-day
practice of emergency medicine. We hope that this handbook will assist
practitioners of emergency medicine with the skillful and timely care of
their patients in the emergency department. Each chapter remains succinct in
its discussion of the Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Differential, and
Emergency Department Care and Disposition of each disease entity. In this
edition, we have increased coverage of pediatrics with new chapters on
Hematologic-Oncologic Emergencies, and Renal Emergencies in children.
Additionally we have new chapters on Low Probability Coronary Syndromes,
Urinary Retention, Food and Waterborne Diseases, and World Travelers as well
as increased discussion of toxicology and trauma. Color photographs and
diagnostic images are embedded in their respective chapters for instant
recognition of challenging and life threatening disorders.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the
Manual of Emergency Medicine chapter authors for their commitment and
work ethic in helping to produce this handbook. All authors are experienced
clinicians; we thank them for taking time away from their busy practices to
summarize these topics. We also are indebted to numerous individuals who
assisted us with this project; in particular, we would like to thank Anne
Sydor, Jennifer Orlando, and Christina Thomas at McGraw-Hill Medical.
Finally, without the love, support, and encouragement of our growing
families, this book would not have been possible; DMC dedicates this book to
Lisa, Jill, Oliva, Paul and Joseph; OJM dedicates this book to Elizabeth,
Gabrielle, Natasha, Davis, and Sabrina; RKC dedicates this book to Marc,
Matthew, Lissy, and Noah; GDM dedicates this book to Roo, Padre, and Steve;
SHT dedicates this book to Caroline, Sarah, Alice, Cathrine; DAH dedicates
this book to Nicole, Zachary, and Logan.
David M.
Cline, MD
O. John Ma, MD
Rita K. Cydulka, MD, MS
Garth D.
Meckler, MD, MSHS
Stephen H. Thomas MD, MPH
Daniel A. Handel, MD,