RT Book, Section A1 Gupta, Nachi A1 Andrus, Phillip A2 Tintinalli, Judith E. A2 Ma, O. John A2 Yealy, Donald M. A2 Meckler, Garth D. A2 Stapczynski, J. Stephan A2 Cline, David M. A2 Thomas, Stephen H. SR Print(0) ID 1166599120 T1 Acute Peripheral Neurologic Disorders T2 Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e YR 2020 FD 2020 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 9781260019933 LK accessemergencymedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1166599120 RD 2025/02/11 AB Acute peripheral neurologic lesions are a diverse group of disorders. By definition, they involve injury or disease in sensory and motor fibers outside of the CNS extending to the neuromuscular junction. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) serves sensory, motor, and autonomic functions. Thus, the patient with a peripheral nerve lesion may have deficits in any combination of these functions. Exclude central processes, such as stroke or spinal cord injury, before considering an acute peripheral lesion.